Hello Here's second part of Scott’s Black Convergence we did few years back. Enjoy! …
Eugene’s Grimkin Army
HellO Finally we got some Grimkin commission. It's one of the last Warmachine&Hordes armies we haven't painted yet. Enjoy! …
Andrew’s Garryth, Eye of Vengence
Hello Sometime's it's cool to do small commission as well. This time we did black Retribution Warcaster Garryth, it should match the style of Moros warjack. …
Anthony’s Crucible Guard
Hello Here goes of first encounter with not so new Warmachine army. We did few tweaks to the original color scheme. Enjoy! …
Steven’s Protectorate Warcasters in Black
Hello Usual white Protectorate is pretty boring, now we had chance to paint most of the more popular Warcasters in slightly different theme. :) …
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Bret’s Farrow Minions
Hello In the Warmachine the best Minions are pork Minions. We just finished whole bunch of them. Ejoy! …